South Sudan: The President Endorses GCMM

In three years, the civil war in South Sudan has resulted in nearly 400,000 deaths. Millions have fled the country, fearing for their lives. The spiraling desire for revenge has torn families, tribes, and the government.

Almost every family in South Sudan has deep wounds. The ongoing violence has left the nation hurting and hopeless.

A Light in the Darkness

In Juba, the capital of South Sudan, Great Commission Media Ministries is directing an outreach that is shaking the entire nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Everywhere you look there are stories of changed lives that proclaim “God gives you the power to forgive and find reconciliation.”

This message is a light in the darkness, and it can be seen and heard on billboards, newspapers, posters, websites, radio, television, and more!

“Everywhere you look there are stories of changed lives that proclaim ‘God gives you the power to forgive and find reconciliation.’”

Live broadcasts on radio and television answer important questions from viewers and listeners. The programs tell the South Sudanese people how to overcome hopelessness, hatred, violence and revenge through Jesus Christ.

What we’re experiencing is beautiful. Jesus is changing lives in South Sudan.

The President’s Shocking Response

Many humanitarians have tried to solve South Sudan’s political tensions and violence without success. Hannu Haukka, President and Founder of Great Commission Media Ministries, entered with a different approach.

Though different treaties can be written about peace, Hannu believes the Gospel goes deeper to the heart. There must be a change in the heart that only God can do.

“Different treaties can be written about peace, but the Gospel goes deeper, to the heart. There must be a change in the heart that only God can do.”

To everyone’s surprise, the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir Mayard, embraced this message. He decided to hold a capital celebration where he addressed hundreds of thousands who were present as well as the entire nation on live radio and television.

In his solemn speech, President Salva Kiir Mayard announced the message of forgiveness from the Word of God, encouraging the people to forgive the crimes committed against each other.

“I encourage all South Sudanese to move the message forward so that we must forgive one another. The campaign's message also belongs to those who have not heard of it. The message should be taken seriously. Let us forgive one another. Everyone should forgive what has ever been done for the brother and sister or the enemy,” the President said in his speech.

“The message should be taken seriously. Let us forgive one another.”

The celebration was attended by the Presidents of Somalia, Uganda, Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan, and the Prime Minister of Egypt.

The inspiring broadcast reached an estimated 6 million citizens – an example of God’s faithfulness to do abundantly more than we could ever ask or think!

It’s Your Turn to Advance the Great Commission

Great Commission Media Ministries continues to broadcast God-honoring testimonies on three radio channels each day, including the national radio station of South Sudan.

The same testimonials are presented on the South Sudan State Terminal TV channel several times at day at the best viewing times. 21 million South Sudanese people can watch and listen to touching stories in their own language every day.

After someone interacts with a story of God’s transformation, they are invited to call our ministry to receive a Power to Forgive book. This book contains more testimonies of South Sudanese people whose lives have been changed by God. Most importantly, this book outlines a clear path to salvation according to the Scriptures.

A local church member hand-delivers the book so that the recipients can continue to be instructed about Jesus Christ.

Our prayer is that we would have enough Power to Forgive books for the tens of thousands of people who are responding to this campaign. We will be in South Sudan for most of 2019, and we need thousands more books to hand out.

You can participate in this evangelistic outreach by donating to GCM Ministries. Each book can lead many to faith in Jesus Christ.

  • $30 provides 33 books
  • $100 provides 111 books
  • $500 provides 555 books
  • $1000 provides 1,111 books
  • $5,000 provides 5,555 books

Thank you for “going with us to South Sudan.”

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