GCMM’s support arrived in Israel in the middle of the war


At the end of May, the GCMM Israeli program production team participated in the international prayer breakfast in Jerusalem. Included in the journey were Vladimir and Pirjo Karttunen, photographer Juri Toivonen, and Editor of the Israeli studio program, Risto Huvila.

The state of war declared on Israel was evident on the streets of Jerusalem and people’s lives. The terrorist attack of October 7th and the events that followed traumatized this small country. Most everyone has a relative, an acquaintance, a colleague or a friend, who has either died – taken hostage or at war in the Gaza Strip. 

Visiting family members of hostages

We had the opportunity to visit the currently deserted Nahal Oz kibbutz in southern Israel, close to the Gaza Strip border.  Traces of the attack are still visible on the walls of empty houses. Israeli Defence Force soldiers have been resting between their shifts, in the rooms of the deserted homes. Some years ago, this was one of Israel’s most modern agricultural communities worldwide. Now the view is inconceivably desolate.

Behind the kibbutz that borders Gaza with barbed wire, the realities of the war could be seen and heard. The devastation of rocket fire, evidenced by homes in ruins. As we took it all in, our hearts were filled with prayer for peace on behalf of the victims and innocent civilians.

In Tel Aviv, there was a volunteer support center for families of hostages. We met many whose family members had been taken hostage. It was difficult to find the words to speak to their pain. But words came to mind, by prophet Isaiah: “Be comforted, comfort my people…speak your kindness to Jerusalem…” (Isaiah 40:1)

As Jewish people seek refuge in God, believers have an important part to share, the Gospel as Christ’s ambassadors.

GCMM has assisted the humanitarian efforts through the local churches in Ashdod and Ashkelon this spring, and last fall, provided media support and printed materials for an evangelism campaign with Jerusalem Jews for Jesus. As a result, many are now enrolled and attending discipleship classes and learning tenets of faith! God is good!

Pray for peace for Jerusalem and the entire Middle East. God works in all circumstances!

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