North American city sets sights on Mega City Media Campaign


Campaign negotiations were held in Montreal, the capital of the “French-speaking” province of Quebec at the end of January.

Quebec is the largest province in Canada by area and the second largest by population. Montreal city has a population of 4 million and is known in some circles as the New Age capital of North America. Much of this is intertwined with witchcraft.

The leading pastors of the largest denominations in Quebec participated in the negotiations. The churches in Montreal are rather small. They have been praying for a spiritual breakthrough in their evangelism ministry.

The spirit world, namely witchcraft, is familiar to GCMM from a previous evangelism campaign in Cuba when the nation’s leading witch dramatically turned to Christ. As a result, he called together the entire Havana witch community. Each was asked to arrive with all their manuals and literature on witchcraft rituals. After sharing how Jesus had opened his mind and hear to accept salvation he encouraged his followers to destroy all their witchcraft related materials by casting them into a fire. And a “fire of the Holy Spirit spread” through the community.

P.S. Be a blessing and spread the gospel message with us!

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