Mongolia Mega City Media Campaign
Every $1 that you invest in this campaign will reach 8 Mongolians
with a saturation of The Gospel
We have some very good news from Mongolia!
The mega city campaign in Mongolia is producing wonderful fruit. Thousands of Mongolians have already reached out to hear more about life change through Christ, and for many, this has led to personal decisions of faith and welcoming follow-up and discipleship. As a result of the increasing momentum, a decision was made to continue the campaign to the end of December!
So far, the call center has received over 500,000 responses from Mongolians, who want to know more about God’s power and the profound life-change of Mongolian believers as presented prominently in media across the city of Ulaanbaatar. For a nation with a population of 3.3 million people, this means that the hearts of one in ten Mongolians have already been stirred, triggering a response.
The campaign booth at a very busy street corner generated a lot of interest and crowds gathered in close to see what was happening. People received the campaign books with great interest.
Over 10,000 have requested personal discipleship as they interact with the Gospel for the first time. New churches have already been planted. For every person who has responded, it represents a multitude of people who were impacted but did not pick up a phone or go to a computer. For many, the work of the Holy Spirit is still in process. Thousands of calls and SMS messages have already come in with requests for a copy of the Power to Change campaign book.
The campaign book is the primary tool for the churches as they reach out one-on-one and follow up with those responding to the campaign message.
At a special celebration at the “Ulaanbaatar Palace” in the capital city of Mongolia, thousands of those who had requested their copy of the campaign book attended.
The life-changing stories in the book are being showcased on television, outdoor ads, billboards, apartment blocks, the public transportation system, radio, as well as far-reaching social media platforms. This has afforded the Mongolian church to greatly accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their countrymen in an unprecedented way. Had the churches worked individually without the benefit of media, it would have taken the church 50-100 years longer to reach their people by conventional means.
A new church was established during the media campaign. Pastor Myagmardorj (in green) and his team, set up a ‘campaign booth’ on a very busy street in the middle of the city.
Like the New Testament Church, you can be a part of a historical movement of God, providing witness of the Gospel to Mongolia.
God has been preparing the people of Mongolia for an outpouring of His spirit and the time is now.
You can help reach 200 hard-to-reach
sons and daughters of God in Mongolia for only $25
Join our campaign, and reach the unreached of Mongolia on a scale never seen before. The local church is ready to reap a historic harvest.
To donate now, call our office: 1-877-244-7618 or click the DONATE NOW link to give through our secure online donation page.
Thank you for your prayers and support for Mongolia.