North American city sets sights on Mega City Media Campaign
Campaign negotiations were held in Montreal, the capital of the “French-speaking” province of Quebec at the end of January. Quebec is the largest province in Canada by area and the second largest by population. Montreal city has a population of 4 million and is known in some circles as the New Age capital of North…
Read MoreCairo, Egypt — A Door of Opportunity
Photo: Christian television programs in production for the Islamic world at GCMM’s ministry media center in Finland. Weekly programs are produced in Arabic, Farsi, Dari, Tajik, Berber, and Sudanese Arabic. Programs have also been produced in Somali, Amharic, and Urdu. Egypt, with a population of 113 million, is a country featured throughout the Bible, from…
Read MoreThe Power of Christian Media 2024
Reaching the Islamic world GCMM produced more than 1,000 evangelistic TV programs conveying the gospel message via 18 satellites to millions of viewers, from North Africa, spanning across the Middle East, Central Asia, and South Asian countries. More than 200,000 responses from the satellite viewing audience reach us monthly with questions and feedback from the…
Read MoreMarch 2020 Newsletter – Unreached Siberian Tribe Receives the Gospel
The Coronavirus is causing widespread fear and havoc worldwide; airlines, the travel industry, the stock market, the oil market, businesses, country-wide quarantines, hospitals overflowing, mounting death figures, etc. We are bombarded with words like epidemic, pandemic, contagion. In the Bible, the choice of words is plague and pestilence. Pestilence means a deadly and overwhelming disease that affects an entire community.
Read MoreFebruary 2020 – Accelerating The Great Commission
Jesus died for 1.7 billion people in the Islamic world. But there are few options to reach them and tell that Jesus died and shed his blood as a sacrifice for their sins. Satellite television is a powerful media that bypasses mosques and Imams, penetrating every home where Islam is taught as the way of.
Read MoreJanuary 2020 – Year In Review
Together with you, in 2019 we have taken the Gospel to multitudes who have neither heard the name of Jesus, nor that He came to save them from their sins (Matthew 1:21). There is strength in unity. A lot simply would not have happened without your prayers and your partnership.
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