Israeli Messianic Leaders Talk About The War With Hamas

According to Wikipedia, Hamas opposes a peaceful solution to the Palestinian situation, in accordance with its charter. It aims to create an Islamic state in the region. The charter of the Palestinian National Authority, written in 1988 and still in force, refers to the destruction of the state of Israel and the establishment of an…

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Viewer Response Skyrockets Across The Middle East and Africa

Thanks to GCMM Arabic and Fasi programs that air on 18 satellite TV channels, millions of Muslims are reached daily by broadcasting the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Between 300-400,000 viewers contact our follow up centers in the Middle East and North Africa every month. Here are some recent testimonies from the calls we have…

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The Afghanistan Church Plunges into Persecution

As we have been seeing in the news, Afghanistan has fallen into the hands of the Taliban. Consequently, the seizure of control of Afghanistan by the Taliban has plunged the Afghan Church and its believers into unspeakable danger and impending widespread persecution. Some days ago, we received this heartbreaking report from Kabul, Afghanistan: Last night,…

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Alexey Navalny: Birthday Wishes From Prison

Formerly an atheist, Alexey Navalny said that he came to faith upon his return to Moscow in January 2021, after being treated in Germany for poisoning by the nerve agent Novichok. Alexey Navalny had his 45th birthday in prison, on June 4, 2021. Family and friends were unable to celebrate the day with him. Here…

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RUSSIA: Alexey Navalny Speaks Of His Newfound Faith In God

A leadership conference of 1,000 pastors in Moscow in May 2014. The pastors were deeply concerned about the worsening situation regarding religous freedom in Russia. Recently, 74 pastors were tried under the law on

Russia’s ongoing crackdown on religious minorities, missionaries, and evangelists has earned it a spot among the worst countries in the world for religious freedom.

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