UKRAINE: The Church Is Growing In Kherson—thousands of new attendees since the war started.
The Church Is Growing In Kherson
Pastor Sergey Sinii of the Kherson Evangelical Church shared with us:
“The number of people attending our services has increased tremendously. Before the war on any given Sunday, there were perhaps 3 to 4 new attendees a week. And now, we are seeing several hundred new faces at each service. Almost 6,000 new attendees have been added to our visitor database! This is a revival like we have never seen before!”
Pastor Sergey has inoperable cancer. “I have decided to remain here. I would rather live out my years here and give my life to shepherding the people of this city.”
We have assured Pastor Sergey and the people of Ukraine, that we will support them until this destructive war ends.
Pastor Sergey has inoperable cancer. “I have decided to remain here. I would rather live out my years here and give my life to shepherding the people of this city.”
Their church has recorded 6,000 new attendees since the war started.