News from GCMM

Here is the latest news from GCM Ministries. Sign up here to receive our eNews and monthly reports.

Media Campaign in the Heart of Islam

Mega city campaign in Erbil, Iraq was surprisingly peaceful and response was beyond expectations.

In February, 2013 GCM Ministries conducted a very suspenseful and most unlikely mega city media campaign, one that should never have been. It took place in the heart of the Islamic world

Jews sharing Christ with fellow Jews

GCM Ministries Helps Jews Take the Gospel to Their Own Nation

Jews sharing Christ with fellow JewsTo date we have been able to lead over 2,400 Hebrew-speaking Jews to faith in Christ during our recent campaigns. It is absolutely wonderful to see these people go through baptism and grow in their faith.


Odessa Media Saturation Campaign

The Odessa mega city campaign is underway and the ads are prominently displayed.

Great Commission Media Ministries Mega City campaign in Odessa is under way reaching a potential audience of 2.3 million people in Odessa Province. 


Tragedy and Suffering in East Ukraine

These pastors gave their lives for their dedication to the fulfillment of the Great Commission of our Lord in East Ukraine.

News from Ukraine and Russia continues to dominate the news and our prayers. Tragically, two Slavic countries are now at war with each other.


Mumbai Pastors Thankful For Changed Lives

Blessing-response-flippedIn Europe and elsewhere people have become increasingly uneasy, uncertain how things will ultimately unfold in the Ukrainian crisis.