Ministry Update from Dakar
The Mega City Media Campaign has made wonderful evangelism inroads into Senegalese homes. Flyers, posters, videos, a dedicated website, social networks, a call center etc. all promoted the campaign. The media campaign testimonials on TV and radio ran from May 1st to August 15th in Dakar, Senegal.
GCMM worked with pastors in Dakar and nearby regions to get the gospel message to the people. Our main objective was to share the Gospel with as many people as possible.
The Mega City Media Campaign call center was again an integral part of this evangelism outreach with the help of local churches and volunteers. Calls from people seeking the truth came in from Dakar and as far as Tambacounda (southeast of Senegal). Currently, 95% of Senegal’s population is Muslim and many who contacted the call center during the campaign turned to Christ during their initial conversation.

Senegal, located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in West Africa, has never experienced a similar media campaign. The church youth in Dakar and nearby regions joined in with great enthusiasm, giving out leaflets with details about the campaign and how to receive a copy of the Power to Change book.
When a Senegalese campaign testimonial aired on TV of deliverance from drug addiction, many called in asking for prayer. The campaign helped us discover the challenges and suffering that viewers were experiencing in their daily lives, with no conceivable solutions. Many who called were sick.
One caller met up with the Pastor from an Assemblies of God church, was prayed for and got healed. He then told another person about his healing, and they also went to be prayed for and were healed. And they told another person, who went to be prayed for and they too were healed.

Many people expressed their desire to follow Jesus. As a result of local church follow-up and prayer some testimonies of various healings have emerged:
Maman A, suffered from foot pain for 4 years and was healed.
Marriette, who suffered from a stomach ache and could no longer eat, was totally healed and today can eat well thanks to the grace of the Lord.
Papa A, who had been blind for over 10 years, regained his sight by the grace of God.
Abdoulaye, was healed of back pain and delivered from bad dreams.
Papa M, who had been in despair for several years, has now been restored and found the joy of living.
Ibrahima, was paralyzed for several years, but God healed him and he decided to follow JESUS.

The campaign testimonies continue to be a powerful witness of how God is moving in people’s lives, and miracles continue as outreach and follow-up ministries continue among the local churches in Senegal.
Join us in praying for the people of Senegal that many will find the Lord as Savior this year 2025!