RUSSIA: Churches Plead For More Bibles, New Testaments, Other Evangelism Literature
Our goal is to support the churches of Russia by raising funds to print thousands of Russian language Bibles, New Testaments, and other Christian literature – for distribution early next year.
The Churches in Russia are counting on us!
Your donation — large or small — will help us reach our goal. To send a gift today, please CLICK HERE to donate.
Prayer Requests:
1) Please pray for the mission teams that those infected with the coronavirus would recover quickly and be able to return to reaching people for Jesus in the villages and towns of Buryatia.
2) Please pray for the special training that will begin soon for small missionary groups in Eastern Siberia.
3) Please pray for the new home churches and small churches established in the first half of the year using the campaign book printed and distributed by Great Commission Media Ministries.
Thank you for your prayers and support so that OTHERS many come to KNOW Him!
Dr. Hannu Haukka
And all our mission team at
Great Commission Media Ministries